
ハクション: Summer Fun!

Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:30 - 19:30 JST


Telecom Center Building East Tower 14F 2-5-10 Aomi, Koto-Ku, TOKYO, JAPAN. 135-0064


Registration is closed

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Early Bird ticket ¥3,500 prepaid
Mentor's ticket メンター·グラフィックスのチケット ¥1,700 prepaid
Regular Ticket ¥5,000 at the door
¥5,000 prepaid
Mentor ticket: You will be a mentor to other teams. Please only sign up if you can agree to this. あなたが他のチームへの助言者となります。あなたはこれに同意できる場合にのみ、無料サインアップをしてください。


Hakushon was a good success!!
Please visit and join our facebook group. Share your photos and experiences from the event!

You can now reserve your ticket and pay at the door!!!

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Your logo could be here! Contact Emery ( for more information.

What is “hakushon”? ”ハクション”って何だろう?

“Hakushon” is a fun hackathon for everyone! It is not serious. We can enjoy learning, making, DIY and hacking together. Bring your family. Bring your friends. Is it your first time with electronics and MAKER community? That’s ok!

“Hakushon” is a chance to learn about open source hardware such as Arduino and making your own machines in a family friendly environment. We have experts who can teach and help you learn quickly.

“Tokyo HackerSpace” and “MONO” both have the core idea that collaboration in making things is a great way to connect internationally. Don’t worry about communication skills. Japanese, English or ANY language is ok. The key point is to enjoy making fun things together.

Our event is named ”hakushun” because in English, it sounds like hack + action. Action suggests that you should take action! Your project should take action too!

In Japanese, it sounds like a sneeze. Which is also funny. ;)

What is hakushon: Summer Fun ハクション:サマーファンって何だろう?

This is our first event for the “hakushon system.” Our goal is to have a simple theme which you can take when building your project. Since this theme is “Summer Fun” let’s build things about summer!

Here are some example ideas:

  • Summer Toys and Games - make a beach ball that responds to motion with light
  • Summer Safety - make a machine to measure sun exposure and remind when to refresh sunscreen lotion
  • Summer Fashion - make a hat with temperature sensor and fan, or swimsuit that responds to water
  • Summer Art - Make a robot that draws pictures in beach sand
  • Summer Culture - Make talking yukatta

  • 夏オモチャや夏ゲーム - 動きに反応して光るビーチボールをつくる

  • 夏の安全装置 - 日差しを計測して日焼け止めローションを塗ることを教えてくれる機械をつくる

  • 夏ファッション - 温度計と扇風機のついた帽子や水に反応して変化する水着をつくる

  • 夏アート - 砂浜の砂の上に絵を描くロボットをつくる

  • 夏カルチャー - Make talking yukatta

At our event, mentors will make presentations in the morning of ideas for many summer themes. You can join their team and help to make their ideas, or try your own ideas. Each mentor has a specialty, and will bring some additional tools and supplies. So be sure to learn more about each mentor and how they can help you succeed.

After our mentors presentations, we will let you choose teams. If you can not decide, we can help you find the best fit.

Each attendee also receives a parts kit with Arduino Trinket, servo motor and some other parts for your project. In addition, Tokyo HackerSpace, our mentors and sponsors will have more parts and supplies for you to use. Just ask!
また、すべての参加者へパーツキットを配布します。このキットにはあなたのプロジェクトの為のArduino Trinket、 サーボモーターやその他のパーツが含まれます。さらに、トーキョーハッカースペース・メンター・スポンサーから、追加でパーツや素材などが提供される予定です。何が有るかは現地でお尋ねください!

We will have classes in the morning and after lunch, to show you how to use the Arduino and other parts in your kit. These classes will be both English and Japanese, so don’t worry about language. We will also demonstrate MONO’s laser cutter and 3D printer. If you would like to use these machines, please talk with your mentor and MONO staff. We hope you will give it a try!

What should I bring? 何を持ってくるべきですか?

You should bring a laptop computer. Arduino works well with PC, Mac or Linux, so any machine will be fine. MONO will provide wireless service. If you are comfortable doing so, you should install the Arduino IDE before coming to the event.
ラップトップコンピュータ(ノートPC)を持ってきてください。ArduinoはPC、Mac、LinuxなどのOSと一緒に利用します。MONOでは無線LANのサービスが提供されます。速やかに創作活動に入りたいのであれば、事前にArduino IDEをラップトップコンピュータにインストールしてきてください。

You can choose from several options for programming your Trinket. For example Original, Arduino IDE (C code), MiniBloq or Scratch for Arduino. We will have a special class for scratch. Download any or all of the following tools:

You should also start thinking about a project idea or two. Also, please check back here often (or on our facebook page) to learn about the mentors and their ideas. You might want to bring additional materials for a project, such as cardboards, fabric, needle and thread… It is up to you.

If you need other materials, there are shops near MONO and Akihabara is not so far away by train. You can leave and come back.

What is in the kit? キットには何が入っているの?

Our kit is not final. We have many ideas, but cost and time for ordering is important. This is why we really must try to have early registrations.

We hope to have the following items in each attendee kit:

1: Adafruit Arduino Trinket
This is the electronic brains of your project. We can program it to do many things. It has points to connect input or sensor, and outputs to make things move or act.

2: Servo サーボモーター
This gearbox motor has a lot of power to move things around. But it is not so fast, and it has a 180 degree arc. It is controlled by the Arduino with a PWM signal. We will teach you about this.

3: Breadboard and wire kit ブレッドボードとワイヤのキット
This board helps you build electronic circuits. It holds the Arduino firmly and makes it easy to connect things.

4: LEDs, resistors and switches LEDと抵抗とスイッチ
These components make your project light up, flash and respond to your touch.

5: Ultrasonic sensor 超音波センサー
This device let’s the arduino measure distance.

What about lunch? お昼はどうするの?

One bento is included in your registration. You will have at least 3 options. Also, if you bring your family (one registration per family is fine), you can order additional bentos for 500 yen each. Please order your bento before 11:30 or we can not guarantee your order.

What about the “Mentor’s” ticket? ”メンター”チケット(指導者チケット)とは何ですか?

If you would like to become a mentor, please contact us, either by email or facebook. In english you can contact Emery. For Japanese, please contact MASA.
As a mentor, we need your help on the day of the event. You will help teams of up to 5 attendees (remember that each “attendee” could also be family, so possibly many members). You will help them by giving them ideas for projects, answer questions and encourage them.

Mentors should have some special skill. For example: sewing, programming, arts and craft, board gaming, culture, music or electronics skills.

Tokyo HackerSpace has many members with electronics and engineering skills, so we really would like mentors with OTHER skills that we do not have.

As a mentor, you should bring items and materials that relate to your skill. For example, a mentor with fashion and sewing skills might bring a small sewing machine, threads and fabrics. A board gamer might bring materials for making board and card games such as thick card paper, markers, dice and player pieces.

The mentor’s ticket price covers the cost of the kit and one bento set.

You say this is a family event? これって家族向けのイベントなの??

Yes! Bring your family. One attendee ticket is one adult, or one family. But if you will be a family group, please work together with other members of the event. Over 18 is considered an adult ticket.
We would appreciate any additional donation you would like to make ;)

One attendee ticket receives one kit and one bento lunch. You can buy more lunches for your family members at 500 yen each.

Will there be prizes? なにか賞はあるの?

Yes! It is not a serious event, so we have no special score system. Be free to make whatever your imagination chooses.

We will have three (3) prizes 用意する予定の賞は次の3つです。
Organizers choice - MONO and THS staff will choose our favorite project
オーガナイザーズチョイス!- MONOとTHS のスタッフな最も気に入ったプロジェクトを表彰しす!

Mentors Choice - The mentors will decide their favorite choice
メンターズチョイス!- メンターの方達が最も気に入ったプロジェクトを表彰します!

Attendee’s Choice - You can vote on which you think is the best
アテンディーズチョイス!- 一番だと思うプロジェクトにあなたも投票することができます!その結果を元に表彰します!

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Tokyo HackerSpace

Tokyo HackerSpace

Make, create, collaborate! Tokyo HackerSpace provides a working space for people interested in technology, hardware, software and creative works to hack on their projects. We teach and learn from e...

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